Creativity is the soul's oxygen you can see
Being on social media and humble is like running a marathon
Smile and laughter are always in fashion
When you have everything, you feel like God; when you have nothing, you feel God.
Don't focus on the silver paths you haven't walked, but on the gold ones you own.
Science often lies because the money often guides
Irritation is ego & pride in disguise
Negativity attracts negativity, and positivity attracts heaven.
Listen to others but follow your heart
Humility is the key to happiness. If only we knew what both mean.
Even a saint may turn into a demon if given power
An apology should be followed by action; Otherwise, it's worthless.
It's not what you say that makes a difference but how you say it
Natural beauty has become a rare pink diamond no one wants to possess
Love is a sacrifice made with joy, not an obligation.
"Forgive me," I apologize," I am sorry." Apple & oranges, but only an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
If public figures worked first on the inside, the whole world, too, would be dressed to the nines.
Magazine covers have a reason for their name; they cover natural beauty.
Slow, steady, and right steps always lead to success. All the others lead to publicity.
True success is true happiness and vice versa
A few drops of humility remove every stain
You love being the center of attention; thus, you are alone.
Money earned unjustly is an endless nightmare; unless you dump it all and start everything from scratch.
Be good. Life's memory is better than an elephant's.
The money for pricey cosmetics should feed humans, not our vanity.
The worst harm always comes disguised and erodes slowly, subtly, and sweetly.
A beautiful soul, a nuclear bomb against millions of beautiful bodies & minds.
Today's easiest thing is being famous; the hardest is being happy.
Humans can fly but have reached a point where they only crawl. Worse yet, they think they walk.
Humans raise their voices against unhealthy food but swallow them when it comes to unhealthy beauty
The biggest lie we are told is that all fear death, but that applies to those who fear life.
If humans knew what happiness feels like, they would trade the world for a few seconds with it.
Kissing passionately in public is anything but an expression of love
No charity work or relaxation technique can ease the guilt lying within
Greed comes in different colors, shapes, and sizes.
Those who can't enjoy the night without alcohol cannot enjoy the day too
The most powerful words come from those who are silent
If you are afraid of the dark, tidy up the inner mess.
If you fly high and are "heavy," the fall hurts.
If humans were not obsessed with sex, they would build second earth overnight.
When the train doors open and I rush to sit, I prove I am just a human.
Truth never needs clothes to prove its worth.
If the heart cannot smile, the eyes cannot either, but only those who smile within can notice.
People complain about insincere relationships while "insincere" from head to toe.
Real friendship is founded on authenticity in communication; all the others will follow suit.
Make up your mind first, not your face, and you'll have the most beautiful people by your side.
Most of the talks are about complaints, gossip, and nasty comments, showing the life we deserve.
Luxury has no blessing unless you offer its equal price to those who lack the basics
Having and giving is an obligation, not a good deed.
Wealth is a blessing when shared. Otherwise, it's cancer.
When you do good to receive, you are bleeding but don't feel it.
We, humans, are all troubled until we applaud others' success.
The more you lean into the spotlight, the more likely you fall from the pedestal.
Nowadays, fake bodies have become a staple. Psychologists, too.
Genuine philanthropy is done secretly. The other is business.
Science serves humanity only when it respects Life, promotes Health, preserves Freedom, and improves the World.
No one deserves to have two houses when others are without a bed
If humans knew that top quality always finds its way, they would rather produce than network.
Troubled souls often have millions of followers, and healthy souls have everything.
The most popular topics for discussion are so simple that it's hard to understand
"Talk" endlessly about yourself, and you will be forever in debt.
When years fly by, your life will be endless.
If you say happiness is found in the little things, you are still looking for it.
Relationships that limit our freedom even an inch are wrong relationships
Life is for those who can't wait to go to work