Judge VS Criticize


“Judge” used correctly in sentences

Don’t rush to judge his failure I don’t want to judge her for her behavior, but I do want to protect my family He was pressed to judge his best friend in front of his girlfriend It is easy to judge them for how they treat their kids, but is that right? Before judging others, take a look at yourself It was not my intention to judge her.

Some help: Judgment is your own opinion, which you usually keep to yourself. It’s about the assumptions you make by observing others. It is negative and does not offer advice to someone on how to improve; therefore, it is not beneficial. 

Learn more about the above word: MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM • WIKIPEDIA.ORG


“Criticize” used correctly in sentences

It was not the first time he criticized her Rather than criticizing them for their mistakes, thank them for the errors they avoided He has been criticized for not taking a public position on that issue. She was immediately criticized for her harsh comments His relatives criticized his decision to leave his job and pursue a career in politics Most citizens criticized the country’s handling of that sensitive issue The gifted politician vehemently criticized the law claiming it was unconstitutional.

Some help: Criticism is not just what you think of something or someone, but you talk about it, sending feedback based mostly on evidence to improve others.

Learn more about the above word: MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM • WIKIPEDIA.ORG

Published: August 27th, 2024 | Last Edited: August 27th, 2024 | WORLD – AMERICAN ENGLISH | All Posts |



Judge VS criticize

Judge VS Criticize   "Judge" used correctly in sentences Don't rush to judge his failure • I don't want to judge her for her behavior, but I do want [...]